Novel Study Strength and Development of Solar Energy Practical Applications in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


project consultant


Egypt has a lot of potential for solar energy because it is a tropical nation in the sun belt. Most of Egypt receives adequate solar radiation, with daily averages of 2000–3200 kWh/m2/year. Egypt's energy deficit budget requires an energy transition from finite fossil fuel reserves to plentiful renewable energy sources. Over the past few decades, Egypt's primary energy consumption has grown significantly, and the nation is currently dealing with severe energy shortage issues. One of the most popular renewable energy sources is solar energy, which can be obtained either directly or indirectly from sunshine. Street lighting, water desalination applications, electric community systems, electric vehicle transportation, residential water pumping applications, and swimming pool heating are among the fields being studied. This study also demonstrates that the Egyptian government ought to support research institutes in their efforts to use industrial solar energy more seriously. The findings show that solar energy may be used on a massive scale in Egypt to generate electricity and heat water. Benban Park in Egypt, where the average monthly solar radiation exceeds 250 kWh/m2, is the best location for power plant construction.


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