Facts & Figures
Number of Volumes  6
Number of Issues  21
Number of Articles  62
Article View  19,558
PDF Download  14,216
View Per Article  315.45
PDF Download Per Article  229.29

Journal of International Society for Science and Engineering (JISSE) is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles on the theory and application of Science and Engineering. Papers may consider new methods and approaches to their implementation or report significant results for the field. International Journal of the Society for science and engineering provides permanent archiving for electronic scholarly, as well as via the Egyptian-knowledge-bank. It operates a fully open access publishing model which allows open global access to its published content.

The aim and the scope of the Journal of International Society for Science and Engineering (JISSE) is to offer an opportunity for publications on areas of engineering research including applicable sciences either empirical or theoretical models. The journal also serves researchers, engineers, manufacturers, and members in all technologies in engineering fields such as mechanics, civil, electrical, chemical, computer engineering, and sciences, biomedical and energy &environment.  It will also cover the main applied sciences; mathematics, statistics, physics, and chemistry. 

Why JISSE Journal?

  • Author Research Guidelines & Support.
  • Quick and Speedy Review Process.
  • Online publication within 8-10 days.
  • Only Quality Papers Accepted.
  • Email Reply-within 12 Hours.
  • Reliable, Easy and Rapidly growing e-Publication Journal
  • JISSE is an Open-Access peer-reviewed International Journal.
  • Soft copy of "Certificate of Publication" to the paper (Free E-Certificate).
  • Publication Certificate Hard copy (If ordered).
  • Open Access Journal Database for High visibility and promotion of your article with keyword and abstract.
  • Indexing of paper in all major online journal databases like Google Scholar, academia.edu & ....
  • Prestigious Reviewers from Well-known Institutes.
  • Egyptian Supreme Council of Universities (SCU)’ evaluation is 7 degrees.
Current Issue: Volume 6, Issue 3, September 2024